3D Printing Disclaimer for Common Defects

By using our 3D printing services, you accept and acknowledge the following potential defects and limitations of the 3D printing process. We make every effort to deliver high-quality results, but certain issues can occur due to the nature of 3D printing technology and materials. Here are the common defects:

1. Layering and Striation:

Because of the additive nature of 3D printing, slight visible layer lines or striations can appear on the surface of the printed object and might not come off with standard post-processing methods. The visibility of these effects can vary depending on the materials and printing techniques used.

2. Warpage or BENDING:

Certain materials, especially those more prone to temperature expansion and contraction (such as ABS), may warp or bend during printing or cooling. This can cause dimensional inaccuracies or visible distortion of the printed object. We aim to minimise such effects by applying learned techniques, but they may still occur to some extent.

3. Support Marks:

3D prints with overhangs or complex geometries may need temporary support structures to maintain their shape during printing. Removing these supports can leave visible marks, imperfections, or rough surfaces.

4. Surface Finish:

The final surface quality of your print depends on the material, print resolution, and post-processing. Some prints may need extra finishing steps like sanding, painting, or coating to achieve a smoother surface.

5. Inconsistent Layer Bonding:

Due to factors like filament quality, temperature fluctuations, or printer calibration, inconsistencies in layer bonding may occur, leading to weak spots or delamination.

6. Material Variability and harmful content:

The properties of materials, including color, texture, and strength, can vary slightly between batches. These variations can cause differences in the appearance or performance of your printed object.

Manufacturers of plastic material do not generally disclose the exact chemical content of plastic filament, and so its possible harmful materials may be contained therein without our knowledge.

We rely upon manufacturers to comply with safety legislation in the country of origin, and we use materials from reputable manufacturers and suppliers, and avoid the use of non-compliant undocumented materials.

7. Tolerance and Accuracy:

While 3D printing technology is precise, it has limitations in achieving exact tolerances. Dimensions may vary slightly from the original CAD design, especially with certain materials or complex geometries.

8. Post-Processing Variations:

Any post-processing steps, like painting, coating, or sanding, can cause variations in the final appearance and might not perfectly match the printed model.

9. Third party models

Models created by a third party may contain defects affecting the final printed appearance of the model. Such defects are outside of our control. Such defects may or may not be evident when the model is prepared for printing and we may or may not be able to correct such defects when requested (which would be at additional cost). 

10. Limitations of Liability:

By submitting your design and proceeding with the printing process, you agree to hold Christchurch Technical and 3D Printing Services harmless for any defects, failures, or imperfections that may occur due to the limitations of 3D printing technology. We do not guarantee the outcome of the print and are not responsible for any functional or aesthetic discrepancies beyond the initial consultation.